4421 Long Prairie Rd, Suite 100, Flower Mound, TX 75028

(972) 539-1491

Dentures are just one of the options available for treating multiple missing teeth. While newer, conventional dentures are more comfortable and functional than their predecessors, they still do not act or feel the same as natural teeth.

However, bar attachment dentures are a fixed option that allow for treatment of multiple missing teeth while feeling closer to natural teeth.

What Are Bar Attachment Dentures?

Bar attachment dentures use a thin metal bar that is attached to the jaw with dental implants. The bar is curved and follows the shape of your jaw, and it can be placed either the top or bottom jaw. This bar is what supports the denture bridge and keeps it stable. There usually is not a need for bone graft surgery before the bar is placed, but this depends on the existing bone mass of the individual.

What Are the Advantages of Bar Attachment Dentures?

Bar attachment implants can help minimize bone loss if cared for properly, whereas conventional dentures allow for jawbone loss over time. Loss of bone mass results in conventional dentures not fitting as well and could cause the dentures to slip.

Another advantage is that bar attachment dentures will look and feel similar to natural teeth.
You can eat, speak, and smile confidently with bar attachment dentures and not have to worry about your dentures moving.

Are Bar Attachment Dentures Right for You?

Before deciding on what treatment is the best for you, it is important to have a consultation to evaluate your current dental health. This consultation will help determine what treatment will meet your health needs and expectations.

Typically, a good candidate for bar attachment dentures is someone with minimal jaw bone loss and good oral health habits. Even though you are receiving new teeth, the areas surrounding the bridge, bar, and implants need to be cleaned properly for successful placement.

If you have questions about bar attachment dentures or other treatment options for missing teeth, contact our office today!