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Dental Implants

Dental Implants graphicDental implants are an ideal replacement option for patients who have missing teeth. Instead of placing them over the gums or using surrounding teeth for support, we attach dental implants directly to the jawbones. With this method, we can provide patients with a beautiful, lifelong solution to missing teeth.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are small titanium screws that we use to replace missing teeth. Titanium is a bio-friendly metal used in several types of surgeries and will not cause any discomfort or irritation to your mouth and gums. For this treatment, part of the implant is connected to the jawbone, while the other half remains above the gum line to support the prosthetic tooth.

Over time, these screws will fuse to your jawbones to act as artificial roots. This root system provides new teeth with an unmatched level of comfort and sturdiness. Most patients who receive implants say that they can’t even feel a difference between their new teeth and natural ones!

We use dental implants to support:

  • Dental crowns
  • Bridges
  • Full and partial dentures

What Is the Implant Procedure?

Your visit will begin with a consultation with dentist, who will examine your oral structure and take X-rays to determine if you are a candidate for dental implants. Depending on the health of your gums and bones, they will recommend either traditional implants, All-On-4® implants, zygomatic implants, or another option. Some patients may require a bone graft before receiving this treatment.

On the day of your surgery, you will receive an anesthetic so you will not feel any pain or discomfort. During your procedure, he will carefully attach the implants to your jawbone. Over time, your bone will grow around the titanium screw, fusing the two parts. This process is called osseointegration and will occur over the six months following your visit.

Once your mouth has fully healed, the dentist will place your new teeth onto the base of the screw. Dental implants are an outstanding, permanent solution to missing teeth!

What Are Zygomatic Implants?

Zygomatic implants offer a solution for patients who are not candidates for traditional implants due to low bone density or a degraded jawline. Instead of attaching the implants to the jaw, our oral surgeons use long titanium screws to reach the cheekbones. Installing implants in the zygoma (cheek) bones allows us to provide a long-lasting alternative to traditional implants.

To learn more about traditional implants, zygomatic implants, or All-On-4® implants, call our office today at 972-947-5742, send us an email, or schedule an appointment online.