Flower Mound Office

(972) 539-1491

Frisco Office

(972) 845-7106

You will need to get an X-ray if you have not been to see us in a long time or when there is an issue that one of our dentists wants to check out and cannot do so with an oral examination.

While the American Dental Association has determined that there is very little risk in using dental X-ray machines, many patients are still concerned about the potential risks of getting exposed to radiation.

Benefits of Using Traditional X-rays

While digital radiology is available at most hospitals and dental schools, it is still rare and not commonly used in most dental offices because it is more expensive.  Traditional x-rays use film that is placed in different sections of your mouth to take pictures which help our dentists determine what kind of treatment you need.

There are several benefits of using traditional X-rays including:

It is less expensive.
The film sensors used in traditional X-rays are smaller and more comfortable for the patient.
The film sensors in traditional X-rays can be sterilized with heat.
The quality of traditional X-rays is excellent.
Positional X-rays cannot be altered, eliminating the possibility of legal issues.


Benefits of Using Digital X-rays

The process of taking digital x-rays compared to positional x-rays is very similar. We still need to place a sensor in your mouth to take the pictures. The digital x-ray is electronic, and it’s connected to a computer and the image is immediately available to view.

Some benefits of using digital x-rays are:

There is less radiation when taking digital x-rays.
The images can be enhanced or enlarged if needed.
Digital X-rays can be stored in a computer.
Digital X-rays are better quality which can help identify cavities not visible in traditional X-rays.

In order to use digital x-rays, dental hygienists would need to be trained to use the machine which was translated into a higher level of experience. As technology continues to advance, so does the level of care that we can provide to our patients. Want to learn more about these advances? Contact our office today!