Many people notice that their teeth become more crowded as they’ve grown older, with adolescence being the ideal time for crooked teeth to be corrected to avoid a worsening condition that can lead to more serious oral health problems.
Crowded teeth are more prone to plaque buildup, as food particles in multiple crevices are harder to clean than the smooth plane created by straight teeth. Although uncorrected crowding of the teeth will progress as you age, there are ways to correct this condition with oral surgery in our office.
Conditions Associated with Overcrowded Teeth
Aside from any cosmetic issues you may have with your overcrowded teeth and their rapid accumulation of plaque and tartar, other medical conditions or symptoms are related to crowded teeth, including bad breath, gum bleeding, misaligned bite, cavities, and gum disease. Early intervention is essential for your overall health, so it’s important to contact our office to treat your crowded teeth as soon as possible to prevent further damage.
Crowded Teeth and Oral Surgery
Severely crowded teeth typically need to be treated with some type of oral surgery (prosthodontics) to prevent their negative effects from progressing. When teeth have become so severely damaged from overcrowding that they need to be extracted and replaced, this treatment provides a natural-looking restoration for those with plenty of healthy bone structure in their jaw.
Crowded teeth cause misalignment of your bite (malocclusion), which can cause all sorts of dental problems, including excessive wear and tear on your teeth and gums. We can treat malocclusion and its effects effectively in our office. When overcrowding and its related symptoms have greatly progressed, and a majority of your dental and bone structure has been compromised, dental reconstruction may be the best treatment. This usually involves a collaborative effort between multiple specialists, even outside of dentistry.
You don’t have to live with the negative effects of overcrowded teeth, and you shouldn’t for your oral health. Early intervention can not only improve your smile quickly, but can save you lots of suffering and money in the long run. If you are concerned about your overcrowded teeth, please contact our office to schedule a consultation.