Flower Mound Office

(972) 539-1491

Frisco Office

(972) 845-7106

Unfortunately, there are times when bone loss in the jaw can lead to the need for a bone graft. Believe it or not, with our help, you can actually very easily re-grow your own bone to treat many common disorders in the mouth!

Bone grafting is a very common procedure and we can do it right here in our office to prepare your mouth for dental implants if it’s needed.

Why Would Someone Need Bone Grafting?

Bone loss can be caused by many different things, injury, missing teeth and even as a result of periodontitis. Regenerative surgery or bone graft surgery is how we replace the bone and soft tissue by stimulating the body’s natural ability to actually regrow the lost tissue! If dental implants are something you need and your jawbone is inadequate for supporting that, we can begin to stimulate regrowth in preparation for implants.

Is Bone Grafting Normal?

Believe it or not, bone grafting, and growing your own bone graft is a completely natural process, even though it sounds like something out of a science fiction movie! A piece of bone is removed from another area of your body, often the hip, and transplanted to your jaw. The body uses the implanted bone as a frame of sorts to begin growing new bone.

Over time, and with your body’s own miraculous healing mechanisms, the transplanted bone fuses to the jaw and becomes an integrated part of your existing bone! It is safe and successful and we can do it right in our office using local anesthesia. After the procedure, we will send you home with antibiotics and pain medication if you need it.

Healing times can vary depending on how much bone loss you’ve suffered and the location of the graft area. Bone grafting is an incredible way to allow your body to rebuild itself! Give our office a call today and schedule a consultation and we can help you decide if bone grafting is the right procedure for you!