Flower Mound Office

(972) 539-1491

Frisco Office

(972) 845-7106

All-on-4 implants is how we refer to a surgical technique where we replace all of your teeth with the support of four dental implants. This procedure is reserved for patients who have either completely lost a section of teeth or have severely broken down, decayed teeth or have teeth that have been compromised sue to periodontal disease.

It’s a treatment technique that has evolved over time and included four dental implants that support a fully fixed bridge.

Why All-on-4 Implants?

If you’re missing all or most of your teeth in an area, getting a dental implant for each tooth can be costly and very time consuming. By receiving only four implants and affixing a bridge to the implants, we can greatly improve your oral health and replace multiple teeth at a time.

When teeth are missing, bone loss is experienced and having all-on-4 dental implants can prevent further bone loss in the jaw. Also, replacing the teeth before you lose too much bone mass decreases your need for having a bone graft due to the loss of bone in the jaw.

Tooth loss is more common among adults than you may know, especially as we age. Injuries, poor oral health, tooth loss and gum disease can all lead to tooth loss, but this doesn’t mean that you’re destined to wear dentures. If you’re looking for a way to replace the teeth you’ve lost, all-on-4 implants may be just the fix you’ve been looking for!

Our staff will be happy to meet with you in a consultation and cleaning to examine your jaw and determine if all-on-4 implant restoration is right for you. You may be surprised to learn that not only can they prevent further bone loss, improve your overall oral health and give your face a more youthful look, but it can completely transform your life for the better! We look forward to working with you, give our office a call today!