Bone grafts are utilized when a tooth supporting bone in the gums or jaw has deteriorated. The most common cause of bone deterioration is periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is an advanced form of gum disease with dastardly side effects. Bone loss can also be caused by the loss of a tooth.
When a tooth is lost, the bone that was supporting the area begins to deteriorate and eventually it goes away forever.
Bone loss can be prevented with the use of bone grafts. It’s actually the only method to restore any bone loss you may have. It’s important to make sure you don’t lose supporting bone in your mouth because it can cause complications to your bite and jeopardize your jaw strength. You may be familiar with a skin graft where skin is taken from one part of your body and placed in a different location, and this is essentially what a bone graft is.
The Bone Graft Procedure
When we do a bone graft, we start by applying a local anesthetic in your mouth. The anesthetic will help to numb you mouth to try and make you as comfortable as possible. After applying anesthetic, we will make a small incision on the roof of your mouth and collect bone from underneath the flap we make. Once we have gathered enough bone, we will suture the flap so it will heal and then attach the gathered bone to the area of bone loss.
Bone grafting may seem like a painful procedure; however, we will make sure you are comfortable. After the graft is complete there will be moderate pain at the site of the incision and where we placed the grafting material. However, the healing process will be relatively quick with the right care. If you’re interested in restoring your bone loss, we will be happy to assist you. Call us at our office and we can schedule you an appointment.