Tooth extraction can be quite the unnerving experience. Most people picture the dentist standing over them with drills and dental equipment and get quite nervous. In truth, most dental extractions are quite painless because we use a local anesthetic for the process.
Some people also prefer laughing gas so that they can be passed out during the entirety of the procedure. However, apart from that there are some other techniques we use to ensure that the tooth extraction experience goes on as smooth as possible. One such technique is sectioning. Sectioning in essence is just dividing the tooth into different pieces so that it can be easier to remove it.
Tooth Sectioning
In most cases, tooth extractions are quite simple and straight forward. However, the same procedure used for incisors and molars cannot be used for the much stronger premolars. Wisdom teeth are a rather difficult to extract because of their deep roots into the jawbone. Therefore, they cannot just be extracted the same as incisors with a single root. During sectioning, each tooth is subdivided into various sections, each one with a piece of the root so that it can be easier to remove it.
The sectioning process usually involves cutting into the tooth’s nerve tissue and pulp chamber. It might sound a bit gruesome, but you won’t be able to feel any of it since we will have already applied a general anesthetic to the area. The extraction process should not take a very long time. After the tooth has been taken out, we recommend that you take good care of your mouth.
After the tooth is taken out, you should bite on a piece of gauze so that blood clots in place and disrupts any sort of bleeding. This blood clot should not be disturbed for about 72 hours so that we can prevent unintentional bleeding.