Oral pathology is a type of dentistry specialty that is centered on diagnosing and treating various oral diseases. Oral cancer is one of these diseases. An oral pathologist can examine patients for oral diseases, diagnose them when needed, and provide treatment for them. It sometimes happens that a patient has a mouth condition that is suspicious or a growth there. When there is a problem like this in the mouth, it’s vital that the cause behind it is discovered. This can prevent the condition from getting worse and causing more serious problems.
Oral Diseases
When a doctor practices oral pathology, they work with a number of conditions. They provide thorough screenings so that they can detect any types of oral diseases. In oral pathology, patients are screened for oral cancer as well as any salivary problems. They look for canker sores as well as any fungal infections that may be present in the mouth. They will also look for any signs of herpes in the patient’s mouth and will notice bad breath that may signal a problem.
Oral pathology exams and treatments are highly important to a patient’s oral health. Patients shouldn’t be experiencing problems and pain in the mouth. When this is the case, there is something wrong that needs to be diagnosed. If you have pain in your mouth, neck, or jaw, there may be any of a range of problems that is causing it, and the cause needs to be determined to make sure that it doesn’t get worse. If there is an infection in the mouth, there may be a viral, bacterial, or fungal cause for it. Many infections can be treated and cleared up with the right medication or dental treatment.
If you have oral cancer, it may show us as discoloration of the gums or tongue, open wounds in the mouth, or lumps present in the throat or mouth. A common oral disease is dental cavities, also known as dental caries. This condition can cause a number of complications, including tooth decay.
Gum disease is another type of oral disease that includes an infection of the gums as well as inflammation. This is a treatable oral disease that needs to be diagnosed as soon as possible for early treatment before it affects the rest of the mouth. Tooth loss is another issue that a dental pathologist looks at. There are a number of oral diseases that can lead to tooth loss. When this happens, the doctor may need to treat the problem as well as offer you options for tooth replacement.
If you have an oral problem that is causing you to have discomfort when you chew, speak, swallow, or smile, or you have oral bleeding, you likely need medical care to find the underlying cause. Oral pathology is what will use medicine and science to find out what the problem is and to treat it. If you are having any of these problems, it’s important to see a doctor who practices oral pathology to stop the oral disease as soon as possible.
Oral Pathology
Even when a patient is otherwise healthy, they can have an oral disease that requires medical treatment. Oral pathology is a type of science that explains what a patient’s oral disease is and what effects it will have on the mouth. The exact cause has to be determined because bacteria, fungi, and viruses are so different from each other. They can each cause you to have oral disease, but they require very different treatments. It often takes both a visual examination and tests such as lab tests or X-rays to determine the problem.
A health history is also taken as well as a number of lifestyle questions. There may be medications that are causing your symptoms, certain health conditions, or it may be lifestyle choices such as smoking. Your overall health and your oral health are intricately linked, and one often affects the other.
Preventing Oral Disease
In addition to smoking, there are many lifestyle factors that can affect your oral health. If you drink too much alcohol, eat an unhealthy diet, or don’t use good oral hygiene, oral disease can result from these choices. To stay as healthy as possible, you need to practice preventative methods for your oral health. It’s important to see the dentist every six months for your checkup and to detect any problems. You also need to brush for two minutes at least twice a day. Flossing every day is another healthy habit.
Patients should also eat a healthy, balanced diet and avoid or limit alcohol and sugar. It’s also a good choice to drink plenty of water and to get enough sleep every night for better health. If you are having problems with your oral health, it’s time to do something about them. Call us at DFW Oral Surgeons to schedule an assessment so that oral pathology can be used to find and treat the problem.