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The gums are an important part of the mouth, and they can get unhealthy just like the teeth. Gum surgery is a common need for those who have problems with their gums. Unhealthy gums can lead to everything from loose teeth to infections that enter the bloodstream. If unhealthy gums are found by your dentist, you will likely be referred to an oral surgeon so that you can be evaluated and treated for the problem.

Gum Grafting

The gums perform a lot of functions in the mouth, and they should be taken care of like the teeth are. It’s common for the gums to start receding for a number of reasons. It may be a gum disease, or it could simply happen with age. When you have receding gums, you may need gum grafting to treat the condition. Grafting is the removal of tissue from one area of the body and attaching it somewhere else.

With gum grafting, there is skin missing, so that skin is found elsewhere. It is often taken from the roof of the mouth and grafted onto the place that needs more gums. Just a small amount of skin from your mouth can make a big difference when it is applied to the gums. With the new skin attached, the gums will merge with it and will grow to include that skin. It can take some time to heal, but it is a great way to fix receding gums for a healthier mouth.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is an infection in the gums. It is often treated by performing gum surgery. Oral surgery to treat this problem includes several methods used to get the gums into a healthier condition. During this surgery, you can expect the oral surgeon to remove the bacteria that has been living under the gums. This surgery will also make it easier for you to clean your teeth. With dental technology so advanced, this can be a quick surgery that can make a world of difference to your gums.

Flap Surgery

This is a type of gum surgery that can do a lot for your dental health. When this surgery is performed, the oral surgeon creates cuts in your gums so that a section of them can be lifted up. With the area open, the surgeon can remove bacteria and tartar from underneath the gums. The gums are then sewn back into place. This allows the gums to fit securely around the teeth and to get rid of harmful substances.


This type of gum surgery is when the oral surgeon surgically removes some excess gum tissue. This is often done for cosmetic reasons, but it can also be done for periodontal health reasons. If you have too much gum tissue, gaps can be created between your teeth and your gums. This allows bacteria as well as particles of food to enter that space and become trapped. This raises your risk of gum disease. This surgery includes the oral surgeon pulling the gums back, cleaning out the infection and food particles, cleaning the area and trimming away extra gum tissue.

Pinhole Gum Surgery

Pinhole surgery for the gums is a newer procedure that can help some people with receding gums without any invasive procedures and without needing any sutures. For some patients, especially those who have thick gums, their gum surgery can be performed by the oral surgeon making a small hole in a specific area of the gums and using that hole to get rid of the bacteria and other substances that have sickened the gums. The surgeon then positions the gums differently so that they are lower and covering the exposed root.

After Your Gum Surgery

It can take time for the gums to fully heal after periodontal surgery. You can expect your gums to be sore for a day or two after the procedure. It is usually recommended that you eat a diet of soft foods for the first week or two. After the day of the surgery, you will likely be able to get back to your normal routine. Follow all of the oral surgeon’s recommendations, such as not smoking, to help your gums to heal.

Caring for Your Gums

After you have had gum surgery, you may need to change bandages or clean the area as decided by the oral surgeon. It’s important to treat them gingerly for the first few weeks after surgery, but it’s also important to clean your teeth every day. By thoroughly cleaning the teeth each day, you can prevent another infection or other problem from developing in your gums. Brushing, flossing and killing germs with mouthwash are all recommended for patients for everyday care. In addition, be sure to visit your dentist at least twice a year for tooth scaling and polishing.

If you have gums that are puffy or bleeding or receding, give us a call at DFW Oral Surgeons to have them assessed and treated.